Battle of The Titans: Close vs. Streep 2013-09-01 In: Celebrities, Film Tagged: Actors, Cinema, Film, Movies When it comes to considering both Glenn Close and Meryl Streep, two of the greatest living, working actors, it is the Battle of the Titans!Read More →
Chuck Norris Never Cries 2012-11-10 In: Celebrities, Odds & Ends, Seen-N-Spam, Too Funny Tagged: Actors, Humor We’re listing some the the very best Chuck Norris jokes that have been floating around cyberspace for years – enjoy!Read More →
Whatever Happened To Grace Jones? 2012-08-16 In: Celebrities, MIA, Music, Old School Tagged: Disco, Live Music, Live Performances, Musicians On one Saturday afternoon, the Limelight in Atlanta was charged in anticipation of a rare live performance by the then-infamous contralto pop diva Grace Jones .Read More →