New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

It is no surprise that many, many New Year’s parties are scheduled and New Year’s Resolutions planned for the coming week! I’m sure you’ve picked the one(s) you’re going to attend or resolutions you’re targeting, so you don’t need to read about them here.

And how does one write an end-of-year message that appropriately thanks our multitude of Arts patrons for their unending support? I have no better words than the ones I wrote in my final message last year (once again, Thank You!).

Therefore, I focus on the future here as I’m thinking about those lists of resolutions many of us compile at the end of each year.

I quietly resolved many years ago to never again make a New Year’s Resolution. It is my most successful resolution, and it probably ranks on some lists of unusual, interesting or funny ones, along with the following.

  • Start smoking.
  • Never buy food that isn’t on sale.
  • Buy a plant and, this time, let it live.
  • Maybe lose 40 pounds…while being sober.
  • Stop sending text messages to someone in the next room.
  • Get my photo taken in five interesting places (this one sounds like fun, but only five!?).
  • Make a New Year’s Resolution (as I wrote earlier, I found my success with this one years ago!).

Here’s a list of the 10 commonly broken New Year’s Resolutions.

  • Lose weight, exercise more, and get fit.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Learn something new.
  • Eat healthier and diet.
  • Get out of debt and save money.
  • Spend more time with family.
  • Travel to new places.
  • Be less stressed.
  • Volunteer.
  • Drink less.

On a more positive and supportive note, “The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions” is a good reference for anyone planning to make a change in the coming New Year, especially if you have any resolutions on the “commonly broken” list above. Here are some tips from the guide:

  • Only focus on one habit change at a time, so your focus and energies aren’t spread thinly.
  • Make a public commitment to your habit change; don’t keep it a secret.
  • Implement the habit changes gradually, so you don’t run out of steam.
  • Start out really easily, so it isn’t intimidating.
  • Focus on enjoyable activities, so you don’t need “discipline.”
  • Allot two months to do the habit change, so if something comes up, it’s only a small bump in the road. And because you’re publicly committed, you’re going to get back on track.

Good luck with your resolutions and Happy New Year!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tori Fan is a blogger who resides in Northern Virginia.

Filed by Tori Fan (5 articles)


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