"Of Origins and Belonging, Drawn From Atlanta" at the High Museum

Of Origins and Belonging, Drawn From Atlanta

Today marks the final month Of Origins and Belonging, Drawn From Atlanta at the High Museum of Art. The exhibition — which addresses issues related to place, belonging and heritage — is the third in a series focused on work by Atlanta-based artists.

The works highlight how foreign-born citizens, residents, and their children or grandchildren contributed to Atlant’s diverse culture and arts scene.

Compelled by the national debate, Jessica Caldas, Yehimi Cambrón, Xie Caomin, Wihro Kim, Dianna Settles and Cosmo Whyte share their diverse perspectives. Caomin and Whyte immigrated to the United States as adults and Cambrón is a DACA (Deferred Action for childhood Arrivals) recipient.

“Of Origins and Belonging, Drawn From Atlanta” is on display at the High Museum until September 29.

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